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Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 4:14 PM
aLohAXxx. today was a totally SHIeTYFIED DAY can..
to sarah : saw yr blog. are you trying to say we're in the wrong for not letting you concentrate on yr studies for geog. and d&t. you keep repeating that try putting yrselfs in my shoes. lyke wad elaine said. have you ever wondered HOW WE FELT. rather than yrs. its always lyke YOU YOU YOU ! then how bout US US US. you told us you'll try to change today. but did you show any improvement. NO ! you think everyday feeling lyke this is great ? it totally SUCKS. and you're making it worse. although mostly its yr fault. but why must you say, everything is yr fault. lyke as if you not happy with it liddat. omg. what the hell am i talking ? forget it. and also, life these 2 WHOLE FREAKING MTHS is enuff for me. everyday, you're quiet. then wad. whole day ? sticking to me today ? hav you ever wondered how i feel ? im so freaked out sometimes by you. always we tell you yr problems alrdy you would only say sorry. would there by any cure if SORRY was said ? its the actions that lies. and some simple common sense of actions you simply dint do. and today during english period in the library. if there's nothing concerning you, alicia wont have showed her temper. she always tries to think how we felt. and helps us to tell you. all the stuff we wanna say. really. i realized, sometimes i rather be with her than you. but no offence. this is wad i feel since you asked about it. you feel extra cos wad we talk, its lyke dun really concern bout you. or sometimes, when its not to yr thinking. you may feel extra. lying helps ? if it does help, i would really try to lie to you than tell you stuff. we have been CONTROLLING our temper for a very long time. 2 mths. and everytime we say we hope to see the change. WHERE ? in mars issit ? and lying to us is a very nice thing ? i dun think you lyke that either rights.. you noe we all have been trying to show actions to tell you how we feel rather than SAY IT OUT. cos it will be so so HURTING. that we dun wanna do . you say try putting ourselfs in yr shoes. we did that. by not telling you. so that you realize there's sth wrong.w hen you noe, you open yr MOUTh to ASK. not keep yr mouth shout and dun talk. i feel as if we are that ones that are being mean. when we did NO-THING wrong. now i tell you. THIS IS MY CONCLUSION. thats it.

okay. for today. its a freaking day. i fell . goddamit. and my maths book dropped into the drain. so DIRTY !! forget it can study its good enuff. LOL. then hurt my left leg la. and the FCUKING shengda and cheejie go luff okay. fcuk you la. you fall down you see i will luff at you not. some more they just look no helping. since you cant help then get yr ass off la. keep staying there. then cheejie so irritating. you okay a not ? so many times keep saying this. i angry almost punch him okay. bloody hell. then go disturb an injured bird. get a life la. sickening day. shitty ppl. unhappy MOMENTS. disrupts all my happy thoughts. urgh. gtta go. byebye.
alohAxX. X)) . today was a boring day. but okay la. in the end. morning played bball a while with qiann, laine, vonne, huix and liza. then my maths got 16 1/2 / 20 . so lan cans.. haix. then after school, played lyke mad sia. mr lim chase eevryone away then take the bball away. all okay !! den everybody have to stop. i realiza all the guys very pro sia. they dribble. shoot. pass. whoa. SWEE. haha. i wanna learn lehh. but no one to become my master. slowly learn myself i think.. then watch them play a while go to east wing. omg. i wore the wrong shirt. i wore my sister's road run shirt. DAMN ! lols. then went to find ppl who had extra. all BO ! nvm. just used it anyway. then went to east wing to find our gang. then kiatwee and all ard dere too. then very hungry. bought fish burger. while buying the stupid shengda go put it hot FISH BURGER ON MY CHEEKS. gosh. so hot sia. then the auntie ask me want to have hot or cold. of cos HOT LA ! lols. then took the hot one but dint manage to make him. then i eat finish go blow air inside. then my and cia attck sd . BOOM ! at his SMALL HEADY. hahahah. then later he nv kena shock. then we go wash hand la. then sd splash water into my eyes. damnit ! i spray back la. but cannot catch him. stupid. haha. all the boys is lyke chasing us only mans. then so funny. weilong keep making qiann's ear. then sd splash water at me and cia. then kiwi chase after us. cheejia make elaine and all. SO FUNNY !! hahaha. love it that time. then we went back. erwani came. with a netball. they all wanna snatch. then we gave them one they not enuff. wanna snatch more. irritating ! then we play i try to catch la. but quite fun. but i very tired. later netball training comes ! ran 8 rounds so tired. LOLS. my stomach pain. then went to stretch then did ball work. then everybody gathered . sec2s using the big court. sec1s used the small court. then we had to do court work. heh.. so fun !! X)) . cia dun lyke to be defending. LOL. hehez. then i got to play attcking. so fun also. but i love defending. ^^ then later sec1s play. later i take over the WD's place. so tired. run everywhere. man fen so cute sia. but she improving. you explain to her she will use it straight away ders.. good gurl ! X)). then after that coach ask me to bring all the sec1s except arshia and pearl for 3 suicide runs and stretching. so brought all of them la. so fun sia. i havent say go they go !! hahahahaha. X)) then later stretch. then after that played a bit of netball. with kel, renn, qiann, cia, rahhx and kel's and renn's friend. quite fun la. i keep slanging . hahahaha. so weird. then went home. body aching. LYKE HELL. then came home bathed. so nice. COLD WATER. =)) * then did geog. dint finish. not studying d&t i think. cant la. clash then so diff. to study together. hope can change.. X)) so take care everyone. i wanna play bball tmr again. im lovin' it. hehez. gonna pack bag and sleepy soon. thursday having match with whitley again. BORING. then the next week is pasir ris secondary. their netballers are very good. i think we're gonna lose BADLY. my toe nail came off. THE WHOLE THING. can you imagine it. gosh ! hahaha. okay. BYEBYE.
music : incomplete, backstreetboys.
quote for the day ; LOSE CONTROL . lols.